Wednesday, May 28, 2008



上星期五, 我面試了一位從德國來溫哥華唸書的小男生.

嗯..快兩點了, 我就見到一位女生後面跟著一個非常高大的男生...他大概差一公分就撞到門了. 我們的office不大.他一進來後, 我頓時感到壓迫....

我和他們握手...尷尬的是和他握手時, 無法看見他的臉, 因為我實在太矮..必需往後退才能看見他那稚嫩的臉...

我引他們至會議室, 請他坐下...這時發現他坐下時的高度和我站的高度差不多..


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Trip to Crescent Beach

Trip to Crescent Beach May 25 2008 Sunday
Since we came to Vancouver, we have never been to Surrey. We saw many bad news from TV about people got killed in the park. Actually, we used to think Surrey is a dangerous place.

However, we decided to visit there today because we were bored of downtown, metrotown, etc. We needed to find something new. I asked Edgar to look up the map to make sure how to get there. Ed took it very seriously to check on the internet and told me some Indian communities are there. Maybe we could see something.

Great. Let's go. We drive past New Westminster and try to find a bridge to cross....but it seems we can't find it. O'My dear we are lost. (That happens all the time) We ended up in the IKEA and had our lunch. Well, it was a good lunch though.
After lunch we found the bridge to go to Surrey. I felt we were in India because many Indians walked on the street. Many shops were along the main street. We are strangers...
We found a Krispy Kreme donut place and we had great donuts. We bought six but we ate four of them right away.

Surprisingly, we got to Crescent Beach near White Rock. It was a very nice beach. People were eating ice cream, fish and chips. We walked along the beach and sat on the chair and enjoyed the summer.